The New York Times tried to analyze the break down of a $100 ticket to "Mamma Mia!" currently on Broadway. Here goes:
$24.75–return of capital to producers
9.90–union benefits/payroll taxes
6.90–crew salaries (35 people backstage)
6.70–theater rent (about $15,000 per week plus 5-6 percent of gross sales)
5.30–cast salaries (cast of 35)
4.50–theater utilities and miscellaneous expenses
4.10–box-office commissions
2.00–musicians salaries (nine musicians)
1.40–other salaries (press agents, ushers, box-office personnel and security)
1.25–theater facility fee (The Shubert Organization and Jujamcyn have theater facility fees; Nederlander does not)
1.10–upkeep of costumes
1.00–insurance/accounting (about $2,500 a week)