BARCELONA, Spain (CelebrityAccess MediaWire) — Bands from Argentina will be highligted at this year's edition of PrimaveraPro, the international music confab that takes place along side the Primavera Sound music festival in Barcelona from May 22-24.
This year, the bands 107 Faunos, Go-Neko! and normA will all be part of the showcase “Argentina Sounds… Gooood!” presented by UCINE (Unidad de Promoción de Exportaciones de Bienes Culturales), a department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina. UCINE aims to support companies, artists or organisations, which focus on the international promotion of Argentina to a wider internatational market.
PrimaveraPro this year will also feature an impressive roster of speakers, including Carl Barat from the Libertines, Mark Jones from Wall of Sound Records, and Malcolm Haynes, booker from Glastonbury Festival. Other speakers this year include drummer and author Martin Atkins, who recently published 'Welcome to the Music Industry: You’re F**ked'; Ian Hogarth, co-founder and CEO of Songkick, Jon McClure, frontman of Reverend and The Makers, Jon-Paul Waddington from In The City and Liverpool Sound City, Sean Adams, founder of Drowned In Sound, and Ruth Daniel from Un-Convention.
For more information, check them out online at primaverasound.com – CelebrityAccess Staff Writers