Dave Mustaine, founder/vocalist/lead guitarist of Megadeth, is suffering from a serious injury, forcing the group to disband after nearly 20 years together. In a message posted on the band's website, Mustaine says:
"During the first week of January 2002, while Megadeth was on hiatus, in
Texas, I suffered an injury that caused severe nerve damage to my left arm
and hand. It was diagnosed as Radial Neuropathy – specifically, a
radial nerve.' My doctors tell me it will take about a year to make as
complete a recovery as I can, and even then, we don't know how complete that
is going to be. I am working hard with a great team of doctors and physical
therapists daily, and God willing, someday I hope to play guitar again."
"In the meantime, while I work on rebuilding my arm, I will take this
opportunity to reappraise my career and my future. For the time being I have
decided to exit Megadeth, and explore other areas of the music business
I might make a contribution without being able to play my instrument."