Walther Productions, producer of The moe. or less festival and campout, Camp
Bisco III Señor Boombox and "Summer of Love … 35 Years Later" festival and
campout, has been forced to relocate its three festivals from Wilmer's Park in
Brandywine, MD. County officials determined Wilmer's Park is not zoned for large
outdoor events, despite Tim Walther successfully producing a dozen previous
festivals and campouts at the site. The moe. or less festival campout, still scheduled
for July 12-13, has been moved to Marvin's Mountaintop in Masontown, WV, just
12 miles east of Morgantown.
"Those are three major strikes against my festivals," said Walther, who noted that the
zoning restriction had never been brought to his attention until a meeting with county
officials called on short notice on June 19. Other restrictions newly placed upon
Walther Productions included insufficient concert space and a mandate that
would prohibit outside food vendors.
"They gave us no indication that they were going to work with us," he said. "Every
creative idea we proposed was shot down. In all my history of promoting over two
dozen festivals in four different states, I've never gone up against such stern
resistance from county officials.
Walther said he feels "blessed that we were able to secure a site for the moe. or les
festival as perfect as Marvin's Mountaintop within just 24 hours. Not only does it
have the potential to be the best site we've ever
worked with, but the owner is a gentle spirit who welcomed us with open
Walther said he will soon announce new locations for his two other multi-day music
festivals slated for August.