The Rose Garden in Portland, Ore. launched today Ticketmaster's new "Print My Own" technology that enables consumers to print their own bar coded ticket to from their home or office PC by logging on to www.rosequarter.com or www.ticketmaster.com.
"We were the first arena to offer tickets over the Internet, and now we've taken the next step," said J. Isaac, Senior Vice President of Business Affairs for the Rose Quarter. "As of today, all ticketed events at the Rose Garden can be purchased online and printed from a personal computer. We're proud to continue our tradition of high-tech ticketing, and will continue to increase our array of custom ticketing options as fast as the technology allows."
Currently, the new technology cannot accommodate the demand during the first few hours of a popular concert or similar event going on sale. Ticketmaster expects to make the option available during major on-sales in the near future.