DUISABURG, Germany (AP) — Latest media reports reveal that apparently only ten persons will stand trial in the court case instigated by the prosecution department of the Cities of Duisburg and Düsseldorf following the Love Parade tragedy in Duisburg which occurred in July 2010 when 21 visitors died and more than 500 were injured in a tunnel on the site of the event.
During the investigations the prosecution offices interviewed 3.500 witnesses and evaluated 1000 hours of video. While previously 16 persons were involved in the proceedings, the news magazine Spiegel has now reported that only ten persons are to be charged. Furthermore the news story reports that no police officers will stand trial.
It is stated that charges are to be filed against the head of the city development department of Duisburg, five officials from the local building authorities and four representatives of the promoter Lopavent.
Besides the information contained in the Spiegel article , according to the news magazine Focus the prosecutors have filed their bill of indictment on the basis of the investigations carried out by external expert Keith Still.
No information is yet available as to when the trial will actually take place.