LOS ANGELES (VIP-NEWS) — ICM Partners has promoted 11 agents to partners, the agency has announced.
The agents from the departments of talent, motion picture literary, television, publishing, theater, concerts global branded entertainment and motion picture production in the New York and Los Angeles office join the now 38-person partnership of agents.
The 11 agents are: co-head of motion picture literary Doug MacLaren, publishing agents Kris Dahl and Jennifer Joel, Hildy Gottlieb and Brian Mann from the agency’s talent department, theater head Patrick Herold, concerts’ Mark Siegel and Chris Smith, head of global branded entertainment Carol Goll, motion picture production’s Dan Baime, and international television and media’s Lori York.
"Since the formation of our partnership, we have made significant and strategic changes that have elevated our business to the benefit of our partners, associates and clients," the agency partnership said in a statement. "The culture of professionalism, collegiality and teamwork that we enjoy at the agency will continue to grow with the addition of our new partners and all of us together."
ICM Partners unveiled a new ownership structure in 2012 that focused on bringing control of the firm to its agents and executives. The 11 agents elevated today join partners Lorrie Bartlett, Bonnie Bernstein, John Burnham, Ted Chervin, Carter Cohn, Harley Copen, Kevin Crotty, Dan Donahue, Mark Gordon, Sloan Harris, Paul Hook, Toni Howard, Chuck James, Michael Kagan, Steve Levine, Rick Levy, Greg Lipstone, Esther Newberg, Janet Carol Norton, Dar Rollins, Adam Schweitzer, Chris Silbermann, Amanda Urban, Chris von Goetz, Bart Walker, Joanne Wiles and Eddy Yablans.
According to Hollywood Reporter