SAN FRANCISCO (Hypebot) — Innovative Australian crowdfunding site Pozible, which has supported many successful music campaigns, is now open for business in the States while Kickstarter is now open in Canada with Australia and New Zealand to follow. Pozible is also introducing two innovative features, subscription crowdfunding and self-hosted crowdfunding, that I haven't previously seen as part of an established platform.
Hypebot readers should be quite familiar with Kickstarter, currently the world's most prominent crowdfunding platform. Though it's not music-specific, many of the leading music campaigns have occurred on Kickstarter.
Previously operating in the U.S. and the UK, Kickstarter expanded to Canada earlier this month. Next up is Australia and New Zealand.
But, though Kickstarter is a giant, crowdfunding is "not a zero sum game" and that stands true for platforms as well as campaigns. There seems to be room for multiple general platforms, such as Indiegogo, and for niche-specific platforms, such as Canada's recently launched music and entertainment crowdfunding site FANPUSH.
Pozible Launches in the U.S., Introducing Innovative Features
But that's not the only reason I'm looking forward to seeing how Pozible does in the States. In tracking news for my music crowdfunding Twitter account, I would put Pozible fourth for music in a lineup that includes Kickstarter, Indiegogo and PledgeMusic. I don't have real stats and haven't been comparing public data but that's the impression I've gotten from the number of news items related to music crowdfunding campaigns I've seen in 2013.
Pozible announced their presence last week and I'm curious to see how they approach building here. News to date seems more in crowdfunding and tech media which may not reach a receptive audience of users given the dominance of Kickstarter and other platforms that are well-established here.
But Pozible is doing some innovative work in combining features on one platform that are often the basis for whole companies. Their announcement includes the news that they're developing a subscription offering that seems to allow for both one-time pledges and subscription commitments.
They're also developing a self-hosting tool that is white-labeled for those who want to create branded campaigns on their own websites.
In addition, they have private campaigns, which I haven't seen before.
Plus they're building a music event crowdfunding tool called Pozible Gigs.
It's a potentially powerful approach and I look forward to seeing Pozible's progress in the States.