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Re: Neil Lasher

Re: Neil Lasher
Neil Lasher. Courtesy of Michael McDonald.
2033 0

Sadly Neil passed away.

Daniel Glass


Thank you for recognizing the horrible loss of Neil Lasher.

He was fine a few weeks ago and now he’s gone

A true mensch of the highest order and a selfless warrior of recovery

Gary Krantz


Neil Lasher was a friend for 30 years.

My ex wife, Janice Brock, was Marty Bandier’s assistant during much of that time.

When my daughter Samantha was born, Neil let her hang out in his office when Janice brought her to work. This went on thoughout the many years that the SBK/EMI crew stayed together at 1290 6th ave. 42nd floor

Neil would have toys and games for her and always treated her like she was his niece.

Neil took me and Janice to Rao’s for dinner for one of the most memorable mob dining moments of my life and Frankie Peligrino loved our TS Christmas album so much that he offered to write some songs for a sequel!

Neil broght me to Yasuda Sushi and taught me the codeword to get a seat in front of Master Yasuda. Neil told me that Yasuda loved professional wrestling and so did I which gave us wonderful conversation at the sushi bar when others wanted to talk sushi. Yasuda couldn’t wait to talk wrestling!

Those who knew Neil just had to say the special codeword.    “Lasher family”….

And the door to that magical place openned…

Over the years at Yasuda Neil told me and my management partner Sean Sullivan amazing stories about the business and introduced me to some of my music  idols at the sushi bar. But sushi was his passion and he taught me so much.

I lost another old high school friend yesterday Jennifer Arnold to this virus so today, I’m feeling pretty blue

Sitting here in Manhattan, watching the ambulances drive by my window on Amsterdam ave in the way to St. luke’s on the upper westside, is currently the soundtrack of my life.

It has to end soon…

RIP old friends….

John French


He was “Uncle Neilly” to me. I was his mentee at WIOT, and forever after was known to him diminutively as “Jon Jon.” The most fun we had was when I was in Phoenix and he was national rock promo for Polydor. He put his expense account to good use! He was so proud of me when I was socializing Air America. He was the first person to call when I was on the PBS News Hour. He was bursting with pride. I got to return the nochas (Yiddish for pride) when he got sober and led so many out of the darkness of addiction. Just made all this virus stuff real to me. Such a sweet man…

…quite literally the opposite of the hateful people whose letters you ran today. May they all find peace.

Jon Sinton


I woke up this morning and received a call from Ken Lane telling me that  Neil Lasher passed away from the Corona Virus. It hit home for me… I never understood the information that the news media was spouting. But Neil’s death hit home!

Neil and I worked together from the late 70’s to the turn of the millennium. Our friendship had its ups and downs like most people. Nonetheless, he was “the brother” I never had. We would speak for hours in the middle of the night forecasting what our “airplay” game-plan the next day. Boy, was it rock road

At the end of the day, as  with every record company..some were hits and most were “stiffs”

I became closer to Neil during his last days of addiction.. When Neil got sober he would tell people

that I saved his life!

Lastly, I loved Neil more than my own family..

Jeff Laufer


Real sad about Neil L. He was a real mensch & helped innumerable people. Sorry about the republicans filling you inbox.

Steve Tipp


I assume you wrote about Neil


Very sad.

Amazing person.

Steve Martin


Neil Lasher, RIP.  Knew him since probably 1969 in Ann Arbor before he went to Toledo and met everyone else…

Toby Mamis


I assume you are talking about Lasher? I just saw that news a few minutes ago. I go back @35 years +/- with Neil, maybe even closer to 40. He was programming a rock station in Charleston, WV. I had a most memorable trip to Charleston once to visit Neil years ago. Subsequently, he had hired me to work on projects for him. I was so sorry about that news. He was a good man with a good heart. R.I.P., Neil.

Al Moss


RIP Neil lasher

Mike Abbatista


So so sad. Neil was a good man.  He helped so many.

These people are nuts! Congratulations you are officially a “shock jock” or “Shock Blogger”

Doug Pomerantz


Neil was a saint. I worked with him when Sony/ATV reported into me. He was so proud of being sober for so many years (and always celebrated his anniversary). He was also a great fundraiser for AA. Unlike many, he felt lucky to be in the music business. And never took it for granted.

Rob Wiesenthal


I was trying to figure out who you were referring to below, and just now I saw the Billboard news flash. Neil Lasher. I’m heartbroken. He was everything Evan Lamberg said in the BB piece and more. Relentlessly positive, welcoming and room filling.

In terms of his work with Music Cares and helping with recovery – he literally saved the life of an artist I worked with. I came to him not knowing what to do, and within a few hours he had a recovery centre ready and the bill paid.

What a man. I will miss him.


Michael McCarty


Thank you for the kind words for the loss of our mutual friend….we met as young crazy promo guys in NYC…thankfully we were both able to put a stop to many years of self destructive behavior

and share our journey to help others….we met annually for the last 23 years to share our experience with each other….I last got to see him in Jan at the Music Cares Grammy event…so grateful I got to hug him then..

Thanks again,

Peter Wassyng..


From: Neil Lasher

Re: Self-Quarantine-Day Two-March 15, 2020

Yesterday at 7 PM

New York City was empty.

I drove from the west side to the East side in under 5 minutes.

This was right through midtown.

Not even on a Sunday morning at 7 am have I ever seen an emptier NYC.

Actually I have Never seen the streets so empty.


Neal was one of my greatest customers at NObu, always reserved a seat for him at the sushi bar. Respectful To staff always and a joy. . I can’t believe that lovely man succumbed to this terrible virus. RIP Neal

Richie Notar


Lasher san!  Helping people was his mission. I sent many people his way for his help and friendship. Many many great stories and meals. When both my mom and dad passed he was right there for the shiva and ready to comfort all.  We had been talking as recent as a month ago-he was going to set up a sushi lunch with one of my musical idols- Carole King who is a close  friend of his.  The above is the same as the below and the below is the same as the above. Eternal peace.

Harvey Leeds


Neil Lasher was a kind and gentle man with a heart of gold and for as long as I can remember he was the music industry’s go to guy when someone, anyone, needed help with substance abuse/addiction. He helped countless people (including me) while asking for nothing but a smile in return and he did it all with an almost otherworldly sense of compassion.

He made the world a better place and hIs memory will live on in the hearts of so many whose lives he touched.

Rest in peace my friend.

Jason Flom


We used to party together at Gavin and Bobby Poe conventions back in the dark ages…especially dark for Neil. Fortunately it was nearer the end of Neil’s darker days.

Once he recovered, he wasn’t the same. And I mean that in the most positive way!

Neil gave so much more than almost anyone I know.  He cared for so many others who needed to see the light as if if they were members of his family or lifelong friends.  Many were barely acquaintances when Neil went into action on their behalf.

Like John French, I too was honored to enjoy what I called the Yasuda Experience with Neil.   “Lasher San!” the chef would exclaim, as we approached the sushi bar.  He was treated as if he was a Japanese dignitary!

Although we’d seen each other much less frequently over the past few years, he always called me Bubula and kissed me on the forehead.

Man, I’ll miss him.

Rick Cooper


Neil was a friend for over 40 years and always had time for a catch up about music and life. He was truly one of the good guys in this industry.  I’ll miss your music passion and caring ways. RIP Neil……

Jon Erdahl


I knew Neil in passing from a well attended and well known and well attended lunchtime AA meeting here in NYC. Neil did a lot of service to AA, always had a smile and a warm handshake and was one of those people who welcomed newcomers. ( And, her wore great scarves). He will be missed.

Richard Walsh


I, like a good number of folks, worked with Neil at SBK. This news has finally brought this home to me, pardon the pun. A real tragedy, a good man cut down way too soon.
Just a real shame.

Dutch Cramblitt


Neil was a good man, a heart of gold, a friend and a huge supporter of the Canadian music industry. He will be missed.


Peter Diemer


Neil was a friend for 40 years. He was passionate, dedicated, creative, humble and would always hug me like a brother. This really sucks!!!

Ted Utz


Neil was a friend and brother to many, I’m fortunate to have shared him in my life for over 50 years. We crawled through the streets of Detriot and many after that. Neil we luv you and will see each other on the other side.

Craig Lambert


We all loved Neil. How could anyone not?

And now this is personal.

Covid 19 is now in our clubhouse, our circle of buddies.  It’s not just television and terrifying online news anymore.

The loss of Neil Lasher brought it into our music biz neighborhoods and homes.

Neil made friendship an art that we could all enjoy.  He was an intelligent etch-a-sketch that was open to anyone who wanted to play….

I’m wearing a scarf with my face mask..

Praying for the Prines,

Skip Bishop


Bob, So sad to hear the news about Neil from a good friend earlier today.
He really was a true mensch!

Alan Oreman


I first met Neil in ’74 at WIOT in Toledo. I brought Noddy Holder from Slade in for a 4pm interview.

It was my first Spinaltap moment.

Neil didn’t have the new Slade album, Craig Lambert (WB local at the time) hadn’t sent it to the station. We sent an intern to the nearest record store to buy it to keep Noddy from going ballistic.

That began a 45 year friendship with a real mensch. Neil Lasher lit up a room everytime he walked in.

Ted Cohen


Just because you have a well known name doesn’t quite do it.  It’s the mark you’ve left upon the many people you have included in your life that is the measure of a person.  Neil was just a terrific human being and it’s even more stunning that he is gone so quickly and in a way that still seems so unreal.

John Brodey


i have felt strongly for many years that Neil Lasher was a mensch.
i knew he was sick , but when i got the call today that he had passed i was devastated. i checked his Facebook page and saw tributes pouring in.
i checked when i last asked him for a favor by text and it was May 2017 i was having trouble getting a song cleared with Parody lyrics and asked Neil to intervene. an hour later i received a one word text. DONE. I also know Neil through his work with recovery. He helped so many an now he’s gone.

RIP Neil . you will be missed.

Brian Lukow


Neil was the ultimate mensch. When I became the head of communications for Sony/ATV, Neil was among the very first people to greet me and make me feel completely welcome. From the lunches at the counter at Yasuda, to dinners at Rao’s, Neil’s heart and sincerity made him someone you couldn’t help but love. And everyone did love him, including me. I will miss him a lot.

Jimmy Asci


Well this sucks pretty bad.
We are loosing a really good soul, a really good friend, a man who was always so full of life. A man who helped so many in his life. Even when adopting his first canine companion, Neil chose Gumpy, a  dog with only 3 legs. That’s the kind of heart he had. It’s just not right. It’s just too too soon.
We met in 1971 as we both were in the early stages of radio careers. He coming from Ann Arbor in the John Sinclair days and Me from CJOM experimental free form radio in Windsor Ontario (suburb of Detroit as we called it), to start WIOT. He would sleep under the pool table at my apartment. We would laugh and enjoy so much about our lives and love for what we were doing. I saw his mistakes. I bailed him out of jail. But none of those things says anything about the great individual he became.
As another  friend wrote last night “I’m just not ready for a world without Neil yet”
Please, above all to the powers that be to …avoid this damn shit touching our lives with anyone else we cherish.

Dave Loncao


So tragic to hear about Neil.   There wasn’t a better person, friend, & colleague.    I 1st met him when he worked in radio (WKLC Charleston).   He always tried to help record folks in breaking music and finding a way to start songs – he truly cared.  He translated that love of music, becoming a legendary promo person breaking & helping acts after act.  Neil devoted his life to helping others: countless colleagues saved by his work helping those struggling with substance abuse.    Such horrific news in hearing him pass this way.

Danny Buch


Neil was a true mensch, it’s a sad day for humanity and our industry. Nobody looked better in a white scarf with a blazer.

David Levin CPA, Esq.

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