(Hypebot) — This morning, Pandora rolled out Voice Mode for all users. The advanced, conversational voice interface combines voice-recognition and Natural Language Processing with Pandora’s Music Genome Project personalization technology so that users can talk conversationally with Pandora as specific or vague as they want.
Pandora is calling Voice Mode “the most advanced, conversational voice interface that sweeps the floor with anything else out there.” However accurate the claim, it is clear the Pandora is currently beating both Spotify and Apple Music when it comes to voice.
Pandora users can tap the new microphone icon in the search bar to activate Voice Mode.
Sample commands include:
“Hey, Pandora: play some music to start my day.”
“Hey, Pandora: play more like this.”
“Hey Pandora: add this to my slow jams playlist.”
“Hey, Pandora: play the latest Kevin Hart podcast.”
“Hey, Pandora: play something happy for cooking.”
“Hey, Pandora: play the song that goes ‘Snakes and stones never break my bones.’” (Taylor Swift)
“Hey, Pandora: turn it all the way up!”